The day I with Vivian at her kampung, Bintulu.

Xoxo, Shirley Wee
啊呀呀!! 发泄完毕!!
Posted by Shirley Wee at 4:08 PM 0 comments
Tammy 21th Birthday. Someone cried on that day. Isn;t she happy? touch or frightened? haha..
We wish u a Merry Christmas, 2007 Merry christmas!!
Diploma of Business and Information System Graduation Day!!! hrmm..
From the left: Me, Vivien, Irene, Tammy and Angel. A Day to remember!!! Little Irene: when u wan come to Kuching again? We all waiting for you ler?!!
This night probably can consider as farewell party, my fren, Irene is going back to her hometown. We miss her like crazy!!! Funny la u, brush ur teeth in the cafe. haha...
01.07.2007 My eldest brother, Moniqus get married lor.... Well, I'm the shorter in this picture. Wearing a big scarf that it suppose to cover my fatty arm. ^^!!!
Hrmm.... Here come my sis, Kimmy Married. I was chosen to be bridesmaid. Ring boy and flower girl are from Hong Kong. They are so cute!! The bouquet of flower that my sis holding is really really heavy but it's nice. Unique and classic.
Posted by Shirley Wee at 10:36 AM 0 comments
Harlo, everybody! It can consider that this is the first time i blogging. Well, i'm not a special gal, normal as well, Love to shop, eat and sleep.... etc. Love to challenge new things tat something tough and being proud, learn from the past and better don't give up!! So, this is ME, Shirley Wee.
Start from the left : Vivian, ME, Tammy, Angel
FRIEND play important role in our life, I have 3 little buddies, Vivian, Tammy and Angel. They are excellent, perfect, beautiful... etc. (Gurl, see how i promote u guyz) Well, so sad that they are unavailable. I alway hang up with them, shopping, eating, dancing, singing, beaching, traveling.....etc. Four of us love ''lady nite'', we can talk or play like nobody else around us, it's so lovely and memorable. I love this feeling as well. (Dont u like that, gurlz?)hahaa....Anyone who know this guy? Well, He not handsome, not sexy like justin timberlake, but, i can say tat he lovely, romance and funny. Thank you for everything and i will appreciate our relationship. Keep it up and challenge it, we can do it better and better!!
To be continue ..
Posted by Shirley Wee at 5:30 AM 0 comments